Pinpointing the Difference

Pinpoint’s founder Mark Millard, has spent time working, managing and consulting across a number of industries including farming, mining, printing, health and of course, technologies.  For almost the last 30 years, he has worked at both a technical and managerial level in these industries. In the various roles, he has developed an excellent understanding of the principles of business. He is also heavily involved in the community.

Most owners of SEO companies have never run other businesses.

Too many also put themselves first. This can result in recommending strategies that will keep your money coming in, without you seeing the results in your bank account.

At Pinpoint, we can quickly grasp the workings of your business and the type of customers or clients you have and get straight to work connecting you to your market.

Find out more about Mark.

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Precision, Results

Big Picture Thinking


We like to put together a comprehensive strategy, which includes a review of your website.

We don’t see a point in promoting something that won’t get you customers, so if we see a problem with your website, we’ll point it out.


All of the work is done in rural Australia. Do we do SEO for city folk… of course!

Reports, Reports, Reports!

SEO reports tend to be technical. Sure, you’ll still get them from us, but we do 2 things differently:

  • We’ll explain it, so you understand it
  • We encourage you to look at the report that matters – your bank account!


Pinpoint SEO is about win-win-win.

That’s how it should be!

Diverse Background

Mark (the Principal and owner of Pinpoint)

I don’t like writing about myself, I prefer to let the results do the talking, but many people like to know who they’re dealing with, so here goes…


Early Years

I grew up on a farm on Eyre Peninsula and intended being a Farmer, but differences of opinions with my Dad resulted in me leaving after a year.

One night after coming to the decision it would be good to try travel for a couple of years, I was down at our local general store and post office, just before closing, and our shopkeeper “Bishy” (everyone has nicknames in the country) asked if I’d like to stay for a beer. A few drinks later and he suggested I try Geophysics and get paid to travel Australia.

This sounded like a pretty good idea to a young fella, so Bishy made a few phone calls and I spent the next 5 years working in Geophysics as a fieldy and Crew Leader and visiting many places that ordinary Aussies don’t get access to.

We were also working with cutting edge technologies, which I loved, and some of which were produced by the CSIRO, and I also loved that Australia was a leader in areas that were making our country better.

One of the best parts of the job, was the people.

It was a really diverse bunch, most University educated, most well travelled, and most from overseas. They really challenged your ideas and, at the same time, opened your eyes to a whole world that I’d never known.

That experienced really changed me as a person, and while I appreciated technology and its potential to enhance our lives, this considerably broadened my thinking about not just technology, but it’s application to enhance and work with humans and nature.

But all good things must come to an end and eventually I fell in love and was sick of the constant travel, so using the “shotgun” approach, I applied for a pile of jobs in the middle of a recession and eventually got one with Uncle Rupert.


Uncle Rupert

The next few years saw me working for Rupert Murdoch in one of his printing companies as Distribution Manager for SA & NT. At the time, the printing company was the largest printing company of it’s kind in Australia. Murdoch was, I’m not sure you’d call it “affectionately” known as, but – often referred to as “Uncle Rupert”.

It was a job, and I did it well. 4 promotions in 6 years saw me end up as Operations Manager for Western Australia and living in Perth.


Difficult Times

After 6 years, a disagreement with the CEO over how my staff were treated saw me moving on. This was a difficult time. I’d put everything in to my role and my staff of 15 permanent and 120 contractors and it really knocked the wind out of my sails to see myself and my staff treated in the manner we were, but looking back, I guess that’s corporate life.

It made me realise though, that you have to live with yourself, and that I’d rather be out of a job and struggling financially, than treat people as disposable.

It’s up to all of us to make the world a better place, at times, that means sacrifices and hardships.



Wondering where next to turn, I investigated a lot of options and eventually decided to become a Microsoft Systems Engineer, so a year studying with Microsoft and I obtained my MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer), the most coveted certification in Server and Systems engineering.

I worked for a small Perth company and the first job was an IT Rollout for Hamersley Iron in the Pilbara at Mt Tom Price.

Here I was, almost a decade after leaving the mining industry, back in the mining industry, well sort of!

The company I worked for grew fast and was bought out by a huge company, Marconi (formerly British Telecom). We went from 40 employees, to 30,000.

A strange link, we had Marconi equipment on the farm I grew up on! And, my next assignment… another mining company.

I worked at WMC (formerly Western Mining Company) for Marconi, until I was approached by Cube Consulting. I gladly accepted their offer as Marconi wasn’t a lot of fun, and started a 20+ year association with Cube, which continues to this day. And who was I consulting to… WMC!

Same chair, different polo shirt!

At Cube, I also met Hordern IT staff and now I consult to them as well.

You don’t get to have 20+ year associations with companies unless you know what you’re doing.


Long Story Short

My gosh, there is so much more to tell on the work front and then there is sport, music (I played lead guitar in a band for a while), community works, families, animals, moving states with job promotions 4 times, being poor and not so poor, phew…

Life has had more peaks and troughs than a roller coaster on steroids and if you want to know more, well… life’s triumphs and disasters are best shared over a bottle or two of home brewed Emu Flat Bitter.

So here we are, I’m now almost 30 years consulting in Technologies across a number of industries, in a number of roles.

My life experience makes me a bigger picture type of guy and my experience with people, makes me want the best for everyone. And I think there’s an extra “win” there if we look hard enough.


That’s me.

That’s what I bring to Pinpoint and I hope, to you and your business.

Cheers Big Ears!
